Our commitment to our clients…

~ Sales Representatives ~ Marketing ~ Research & Consulting Services

focused in the

Marine, Industrial and Trailer Markets


Welcome to GSW and Associates

Building your market, building your sales and ultimately building your long-term business success requires experience, dedication and commitment. Since 1983, many premier companies have turned to GSW and Associates to generate sales and manage their distribution channels in the Southeast and Southwestern regions of the United States. We are a team of nine sales professionals with a combined 200 years of experience developing productive sales channels for our clients. We are recognized as the experts in generating sales in the marine, industrial, sports and recreational sectors. We have generated hundreds of millions of dollars of profitable sales revenue for our satisfied clients. When we represent you,  “Our experience and sales relationships become your experience and your relationships”. We offer a variety of programs to fit our clients’ needs and we can save our clients months to years of time and tens to millions of dollars in lost revenues because of our experience and market knowledge to get their product and sales message in front of the right decision makers. If you are looking for proven sales representation and help in building your business success, then we invite you to give us a call. Let us introduce you to GSW.

Let’s Work Together.